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May 9th, 2015
As we enter the summer months and the heat builds we should all be thinking about the fall busy season as it comes closer.
The first half of 2015 has been a little flat on sales and market activity. We hear that there are lots of projects being thought about although there appears to be caution in the minds of retailers. I am not an economist although the employment numbers are up nicely and it appears that those companies reporting results are doing well.
Come on people let’s get out there and get the economy going!
What is Independent Can doing to get things going?
Update on Ft. Madison, Iowa:
There was a severe weather event in the Ft. Madison area the night of Saturday 6/20 which left a hole in our roof over which we store primarily packaging materials and some finished goods. With the help of our dedicated team and the original contractor for the facility, the roof was repaired by Sunday evening. Monday was dedicated to cleanup both outside and inside the building, and we were back in production on Tuesday. While we have identified some product to be scrapped the amount of product is both minimal and manageable. Thankfully none of our employees were impacted, and the Ft. Madison area itself was spared more widespread damage. Thanks to all of our dedicated employees who, in a trying time, have exhibited the teamwork necessary for us to quickly manage the efforts of the storm!
From this What’s New article I hope that everyone will feel the energy and passion we have for what we are doing here at Independent Can. We are investing in people, the latest technology and equipment, (printing, coating and slitters recently) and facilities.
In the article that I posted in the first quarter of this year I pointed out the challenges that we had in 2014 and what we were doing to help overcome these same challenges so that we do not repeat them in the future.
As a country we have many challenges as it relates to manufacturing although the benefits of Made in America are overwhelming:
There is no question that the future is brighter than the past and all it takes is:
I want to thank all of our customers, all of our dedicated employees and our suppliers for helping to make us what we are today and you have my commitment to working as hard and smart as it takes to build a strong manufacturing business, with a focus on making the best decorative and industrial tin that is truly possible, at a fair price.
Our Mission statement says it best as our focus is:
To Be The Best – Not The Biggest
Thank you,
President and CEO
If your quantity is below minimums, our stocking distributors would be happy to take your order. Learn more about our stocking distributors.