Please read our SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT on the recent tariffs.

Jan 9th, 2014

Throughout the cold and snowy winter we have been working on many new and exciting opportunities that will allow Independent Can to bring more quality products to the marketplace in 2014. The Independent Can brand is stronger than ever and we continue to invest in our operations and in new capabilities to position ourselves to service all of your packaging needs well into the 21st century.

Our Mission Statement: “To Be the Best, Not the Biggest”

An update on our new facility in Vandalia, Ohio:

We are on schedule to be fully operational by July of 2014 with a new 6 color printing line with trail UV varnish, and a new state of the art coating line. Our staff includes a number of individuals with years of industry experience that have been in training for several months, and fully engaged with installation and other issues associated with the start of a new operation. This facility addresses a need for capacity in the industry and is well positioned geographically for servicing Independent Can’s satellite plant locations. We have incorporated a Vision Inspection system into the press line to enhance our ability to print to our customer’s expectations.

And our new products:

We are pleased to introduce to our various specialty markets the following NEW cans that are now available. Please contact your Independent Sales Representative for more information.

  • 3-3/4 x 2-7/16” deep drawn, seamless can – also available in our stock program!
  • 4-3/4 x 1-1/4” drawn seamless can
  • 3-3/8 x ½” drawn seamless can
  • 3-5/8 x 3-5/8 square decorative slip cover can – NEW AND IMPROVED for easy height changes!

All of these new products will be manufactured in our Belcamp, MD facility. We have also transitioned some product lines to our Ft. Madison, IA and Conneaut, OH facilities in order to best marry by geographic location and skill sets where we produce packaging.

Our new stock catalog has been available online and by mail upon request, featuring brand new licensed Thomas Kinkaid images. Samples are available of all of our new stock designs.

And our new people:

Independent Can hires in accordance with our Core Values established in the late 1990’s, and slightly modified a decade later. We have been hiring new, dedicated employees steadily throughout the first quarter in order to help meet and hopefully exceed the expectations that our customers have for customer service and product quality. We have added approximately 30 new employees in the first quarter, and today can say that Independent Can is 300 people strong. We have a very aggressive employee orientation program focused on our Values, and focused on an understanding of the expectations of our customers.

Thank you for making all of this exciting news possible. We are looking forward to an exciting year with many challenges to come. We are proud to be celebrating our 85th anniversary this year – and hope you are all aware of the marketing of your history through an anniversary decorative tin package!

#company news^from our ceo

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