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Nov 8th, 2021
Congratulations to our team in Rosedale, Maryland, on a 99% SQFI audit score! Last year, Independent Can announced that our Vandalia, Ohio facility scored 99 out of 100% followed by a 98% score from our Ft. Madison, Iowa team. On November 4th, our Rosedale, Maryland facility also achieved a 99% score from The Safe Quality Food Institute..
The audit was conducted on Nov 3rd and 4th. Rosedale received a score of 99 out of 100. The lone finding was related to their internal audit process. Once this audit finding is closed out, Rosedale will be the second (Belcamp being the first) ICC facility certified to the new SQF Edition 9 standard. Paul Clary and the Rosedale team did a phenomenal job of preparing for the audit with the help of Ricky Williams (Global Quality Assurance Manager), Tom Burt (Belcamp Quality manager), Susan Myers (Vandalia Quality manager) and John Helmer (former ICC SQF practitioner who assisted in a consultant role).
SQFI stands for Safe Quality Food Institute. They are a national food safety and quality and certification organization. The audit reviews whether or not a company is keeping the strict standards for a food contact packaging. It also tracks proper documentation for all of its processes and products. All of our facilities that product food contact packaging undergo these rigorous audits annually.
SQF is recognized by retailers and foodservice providers around the world. SQF benefits extend to our customers that are pursuing their own certification.
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