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June 15th, 2017

Does Your Packaging Stand Out?

Seconds matter when your product hits the shelves of a department store, a grocery chain or other retailer. Customers have hundreds of options when they enter a store; even more so in the gift section during holiday seasons. It is very much like speed dating. You have mere seconds to make your case before they are looking at the next item. You have to catch the eye and communicate quality very quickly.

So what will your statement of quality be?  Will you take part in the disposable economy and use paper, cardboard or plastic bag? Off goes the wrapper and out of sight goes the brand.

A collectible, reusable package is an advertisement for your company that will form a lasting impact in the mind of the consumer. A beautifully lithographed, decorative tin with your name or logo on it, will stand out and communicate that you are willing to invest in your brand’s image. If you need speed to market to make an impression, without higher minimums and inventory concerns, you may consider a digital or silk screened option.

This approach is actually very affordable. Tins get noticed and attract the impulse buyers. Most advertising is a one-shot-deal and there is no way to measure who you really reach. Magazines get thrown away, digital comes and goes but a collectible package is usually kept and reused.


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