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May 26th, 2017

Independent Can Company was recognized for excellence in print quality by the International Metal Decorator’s Association (IMDA) at their annual conference held this May. The IMDA is a global event and receives entries from metal lithographers from all over the world for evaluation of printing techniques, innovation, and overall print quality. Independent Can Company has been honored repeatedly over the last two decades, recognized with the prestigious “Award of Excellence” and “Best of Category” in Specialty Packaging, as well as in Signs and Displays.

The 2017, the “Award of Excellence” for Specialty and Fancy Cans was presented to Independent Can Company for the There is a Season Tin. This specialty tin is a two-gallon tapered popcorn can and features beautiful paintings from the renowned Hautman Brothers, of birds in different seasons of the year. Independent Can’s lithography captured the fine detail in the cardinals, gold finches and chickadees. This item is part of Independent’s Stock Decorative Tin Program, in which high quality licensed art is represented.

Over the past decade, Independent Can has standardized on Metalstar II printing equipment specifically designed for high definition printing on metal. In 2014, the company raised the first greenfield lithography operation in thirty years in Vandalia, Ohio, which complements its flagship print operations in Belcamp, Maryland. “We are constantly looking for process improvements in order to meet the expectations of our customers,” said President, CEO, and Chairman of the Board, Rick Huether.

#company news^print quality awards

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