Behaviors, such as wish-cycling, cause difficulties at the commercial processing centers (jams, shutdowns, and additional expenses). Consumers place materials in recycling bins that they hope centers will deal with, making the sorting process more tedious.
With steel packaging, labels, inks and coatings burn off in the recycling process, along with all other contaminants. There are no steps or guessing games with steel can recycling. Even if a tin can is discarded with other disposables, it can be separated from other waste by magnet and recycled.
Manufacturers of plastic, glass and films, are considering recyclability in their packaging design, from the container itself to the adhesives and labels. There is great demand for products and containers with post-consumer, recycled content. Each tin can contains at least 25% and up to 68% recycled steel without loss of quality.
If your quantity is below minimums, our stocking distributors would be happy to take your order. Learn more about our stocking distributors.