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Aug 26th, 2019
National Dog Day the Gilchrist Way!
President and CEO of Independent Can Company, Rick Huether, and his companion, Lexi, were featured in the Gilchrist Hospice Care National Dog Day Celebration. Lexi is a 13-month-old golden doodle and therapy dog. Rick has been volunteering with Gilchrist for some time now and this year, obtained certification for Lexi to visit patients with him.
Rick joined the Board of Directors at Gilchrist in 2009 but wanted to do more – to give back. He began participating in the work of visiting with hospice patients at Gilchrist. Now that Lexi has joined him, it is an even more comforting experience for the patients at the Gilchrist Center Towson and Gilchrist Center Baltimore.
"Having Lexi with me seems to make the patients and families more comfortable than if I were to walk into a room by myself as a volunteer,” Rick says. “As soon as someone lays eyes on Lexi, I’m invisible. Lexi can easily do the ‘talking’ for me. Especially when a patient is not able to communicate verbally, Lexi’s presence at their bedside is all they need.” Read the full story.
Lexi also accompanies Rick to work each day and her exuberance brightens up the sales office. She comes prancing around to each cubical to greet everyone when she arrives in the morning. We know how great it is when you are having a stressful day interrupted by her warm and humorous antics.
Photos and article courtesy of Gilchrist Hospice Care Inc.
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