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Apr 11th, 2017
Crazy Aaron, Innovator and Entrepreneur Chooses Tin Packaging
Since Aaron Muderick was a child, he had a love for Silly Putty. This toy, a shiny putty that came in a plastic egg-shaped container, could be stretched and molded over and over again. It could also copy off cartoons from newspapers and transfer them to other surfaces. A fiddler could take an image and distort it by stretching the putty.
The original product, developed by accident in the 1950s, left something to be desired for Crazy Aaron. So in 1998, he began to look for ways to improve it, including teaching himself chemistry and little bit of physics. Since then, he has taken the original putty idea to new heights. It is available in a variety of colors including metallic and clear glass. There is even an magnetic version! This new generation of putty created by Crazy Aaron is called “Thinking Putty” and comes in tin packaging with a variety of colorful labels featuring a cartoon rendering of him.
Although this flexible amusement was a favorite of imaginative children, Silly Putty was originally marketed to adults. So is Thinking Putty. Crazy Aaron thought that others would love to have something to manipulate in their hands as a stress-reliever.
Watch the rest of the story on CBS Sunday Morning.
Aaron Muderick works with local vo-techs and employs “many exceptional individuals with intellectual and physical disabilities”, according to the Our Story section of his website. This is his way of giving back to the community. He considers the world a fascinating place. He hopes to inspire others to use their imaginations and keep their eyes open for things that they weren’t even looking for.
Thinking Putty is proudly made in the USA and so is the packaging. Independent Can is proud to be a packaging supplier to Crazy Aaron’s Thinking Putty.
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