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May 27th, 2020

It is unbelievable in 2020 we still see the lack of respect for human life that we saw in Minneapolis this past week. For a Police Officer to cause the death of George Floyd or any human being the way he did is truly horrible and unacceptable in our society. I am ashamed that this can and still does happen in America today.

As President/CEO and a family owner of Independent Can Company, I want to state clearly that there is no room in our society or within our company for racism or discrimination of any kind. We believe every human must always be treated with respect and dignity. At ICC, we encourage a diverse work force with the most talented, committed and skill person(s) in every job without reference to the color of their skin, where they are from, or their religion. We are a better company with a diverse set of talent, skills and beliefs.

Independent Can Company fully supports our black and brown communities who are feeling pain at this time. You are not alone. I ask that our ICC family be open to learn and more importantly, listen to each other. Please be considerate and supportive of those around you each day. We all have a responsibility to not be silent, yet open about our support for fair and equal treatment for everyone.

I am committed to leading an organization that lives up to its core values; Fair, Sense of Urgency, Market, Customer & Improvement Driven, Dedicated, Responsible and Teamwork. It is the foundation of who we are and what we stand for.

Please all be Safe and Healthy and know we are a caring and concerned company.


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