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Mar 28th, 2018

Plastic pollution is not uncommon or limited to only a few places. As a matter of fact, there is an island of floating plastic named Great Pacific Garbage Patch (GPGP) that is approximately 600,000 square miles according to a recent study. It is 3 times the size of the State of Texas.

Plastic, if recyclable at all, is down-cycled, with its second life being the last before the landfill. Every piece of plastic that has ever been made is still here in some form or another. Although the plastic industry is working hard on bio-plastics and bio-polymers, they cannot be combined with curb-side recycling and they contaminate the existing plastic recycling stream. There are not enough commercial facilities nor is there consumer education. While everyone is familiar with #1, #2 and #5, what do you do with a #7? Plastic can only broadly claim an extended life cycle and reduction in fossil fuels due to their light weight.

Steel, on the other hand, can be recycled, time and time again, to make new steel for reuse without loss of quality. Steel is also biodegradable. It separates from the waste stream by a magnet. Cans made from steel never have to end up in the ocean or landfill.

There is more to the sustainability story of the steel can. It extends our food harvest time and keeps food fresh and free of contaminants for a year without refrigeration. Canned food, coffee, nuts and other items are packed at the peak of freshness so they also is packed at their nutrient peaks. Making food portable and in a container that is heat and fracture resistant has helped to feed people throughout the world!  Choose tin!

#sustainability^current events

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