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Feb 25th, 2020

Knowing your audience is the most important element of branding and rebranding. There is no magic formula. Keeping current customers that are loyal to a brand, while attracting new, is the goal of most companies. Some long-standing companies use nostalgia and retro packaging to remind customers of their childhood favorite. Others abandon their traditional look with the hope of attracting a younger demographic. Many brands will use subtle changes in color and fonts to make their look more contemporary.

Clean, simple graphics are appealing to younger buyers but they want to be informed. They want packaging that tells a story and is educational regarding nutrition, ingredient sourcing and proper disposal of the container.

Millennials are a coveted demographic. With low unemployment, these previously cash-poor consumers are now able to spend more. They are loyal to companies that treat them as individuals and exhibit Corporate Social Responsibility. Healthier options and sustainability are big motivators behind their buying choices. They are persuaded by social media, reviews and testimonials by other satisfied consumers with their same values.

Millennials are putting a higher priority on sustainability than any generation before them, and they will reward brands who offer food and beverages in packaging that is sustainable.

Read full article from FoodDive

What you say with your packaging choice may be more important that the colors and words that you use. If you rebrand with plastic or layers of disposable external packaging, that may be a turnoff.

Companies like Hasbro have made public commitments to move away from plastics and single-use, non-recyclable packaging. Hasbro will continue to use plastics in the making of its toys and games but focus on the elimination of packaging that is excessive and not eco-friendly. Over the years, Hasbro has produced a number of collectible tins for its board games including Candy Land and Monopoly.

Hasbro, one of the world’s largest toy manufacturers, has stepped up its sustainability game and is phasing out all plastics used to package its toys and games by the end of 2022.

Read full article from Forbes

Millennial buyers are parents now too! Knowing that products and packaging are safe for their children will also be a key motivator. Food safe tinplate and FDA approved inks and coatings are available from an American supplier like Independent Can.

With all of the concern for healthy choices, consumers of all ages still want their confections! Reese’s “Not Sorry” campaign has been a wild success – showing confidence in the brand. One of their new tins uses bold color, simple design and is completely recyclable.The checkoff list for a tin package would be: Re-purpose, Reuse, Recycle – perfect for Rebranding!


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