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Aug 26th, 2019
Collectible pins were designed to celebrate the launch, landing, splash down and 50th Anniversary. Bronze statues of the Apollo 11 crew were unveiled at the Apollo/Saturn V Center. The One Giant Leap Moon Landing event featured one of the world’s largest MoonPies, decorated with the Apollo 50th logo, provided by Chattanooga Bakery of Tennessee.
Using photos and graphics provided by NASA and the MoonPie logo provided by Chattanooga Bakery, Kait Bischoff, from Independent Can’s marketing department, designed a 50th anniversary tin for the Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex. It is our 4-3/4 drawn X 1-1/4” drawn can and was filled with a chocolate single-decker MoonPie.
Our tins, an Apollo 11 50th Anniversary brochure and the commemorative pins were part of the gift bags given to visitors and VIP guests at all of the events. The MoonPie Apollo 50th tin will be part of The Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex history. We tout the tin can as a collectible item that may increase in value over time. This made a decorative tin the perfect choice.
The Moon Landing, 50 years ago, was a human achievement but also an American accomplishment. Over the years, 450,000 people have made space exploration possible and with it, advancements in science and technology. More than 400 employees come together at Independent Can along with investments in technology to bring quality products to our customers. It was an honor for our American company (est.1929) to work with an American bakery (est.1917), on a specialty package for the US space program’s Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex on the 50th Anniversary of the Apollo Moon Landing. We are part of history.
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