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Dec 20th, 2023

Helping to Carry On a Christmas Tradition

On November 22nd, we received an inquiry, through the Independent Can website, from someone named Adam who was looking for a single holiday popcorn can. As a metal packaging manufacturer, we only ship to distributors and wholesale customers, but this opportunity was so special that we had to help.

In the message, Adam described his wife’s tradition of picking out a large tin from a local popcorn shop to gift each of their children at Christmas. The kids enjoy the popcorn and the decorative tin becomes a keepsake that holds the ornaments they get each year from family. Adam went on to mention that his wife was about to have another baby and they were hoping to keep the tradition going. But unfortunately, their local popcorn shop in Canada stopped carrying the large tins.

 When our Sales Manager, Christina, saw the inquiry come through, she was certain ICC could help with his holiday quest. She had recently enjoyed some amazing popcorn from one of our customers, Velvet Crème, and knew that they carried our 6.5 gallon tin, the size Adam was looking for. “We will be happy to send you a tin full of popcorn!”

 In an update a couple weeks later, Adam revealed that they were settling in with their newest family member. “We received the tin and it’s everything we hoped for! The popcorn is delicious and my wife was in tears she was so happy to have it. You’ve really made our Christmas so much better!”

 This is the stuff that warms our hearts and keeps us going. We hope everyone has a wonderful holiday season.

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